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New Faculty Joining the College of Arts and Sciences in 2023-24

Twenty new faculty members will begin teaching at 911爆料网's College of Arts and Sciences this fall.

Twenty new faculty members will begin teaching at 911爆料网's College of Arts and Sciences this fall.

Beginning in Fall 2023, the College will be welcoming fifteen tenured or tenure track faculty, four lecturers, and a visiting professor to campus, bringing a wide array of expertise across ten of our departments. Seven of these faculty members make up the second cohort in our Race, Inequality, and Social Justice cluster hire. This cohort will meet twice per quarter to support their scholarly and creative work, discuss strategies for faculty success, build their on-campus networks, and connect to key resources on campus.

“After a long but fruitful hiring season, I am very excited to welcome these wonderful new faculty to the College of Arts and Sciences,” said Dean Daniel Press. “I am positive that they will bring diverse sets of knowledge and experiences to our students and make great contributions to our campus community.”

Join us in welcoming these faculty into the Bronco community!

New Full Professors

Venkatesh Srinivasan

Venkatesh Srinivasan

Mathematics and Computer Science

Algorithms, data mining, and data privacy

Chris Tirres

Chris Tirres

Religious Studies - Buckley Visiting Chair in Latinx Theology

Latinx religious thought and practice, liberation theology, liberation philosophy, philosophical pragmatism, critical pedagogy, Latina feminism, and grassroots diplomacy

New Associate Professor

Aparajita Nanda

Aparajita Nanda


Postcolonial studies, African American literature through the lens of postcolonial theory, diaspora studies and South Asian literature, Inter-generational trauma studies, and Third world feminism

New Assistant Professors

Tiantian Chen

Tiantian Chen

Mathematics and Computer Science

Combinatorial optimization, machine learning, social computing, and network optimization

Maia Dedrick

Maia Dedrick


Archaeology, food systems and agricultural heritage, colonialism and environmental change, Yucatan peninsula, community-engaged research

Katie Dowse

Katie Dowse

Theatre and Dance

Costume design, character representation, costume technology, craftwork, 3D printing, digital rendering, and fabric manipulation

Vanessa Errisuriz

Vanessa Errisuriz

Public Health

Disparities in social determinants of obesity and related chronic disease among underserved populations; promotion of healthy development and lifestyles through diet, physical activity, and mental well-being; community-based participatory research methods; and implementation science

Chi-Yun Hsu headshot

Chi-Yun Hsu

Mathematics and Computer Science (Hired 2022/23)

Number theory, p-adic modular forms, geometry of eigenvarieties, Galois deformations, and Iwasawa theory

Giselle Laiduc



Micah Lattanner

Micah Lattanner

Public Health

Structural stigma, interpersonal discrimination, and health; concealable stigmatized identities; interpersonal relationships and social belonging

Vivien Leung

Vivien Leung

Political Science

Race and ethnicity in politics, Asian American politics, political behavior, public opinion, immigration, surveys and experiments, and political psychology

Ray Li

Mathematics and Computer Science

Theoretical computer science, coding theory, fine grained complexity, approximation algorithms, combinatorics

William Rush

William Rush

Environmental Studies and Sciences

Paleoclimate reconstructions, geochemistry, climate modeling, atmospheric rivers, and hydroclimate extremes

Daniel Summerhill

Daniel Summerhill


Poetry with expertise in race, inequality, and social justice, and creative nonfiction with an emphasis in cultural criticism, narrative, and Black tradition

Jose Villagrana

Jose Villagrana


Early modern British and Spanish literature and religious culture, colonization and law, critical race studies, digital humanities, and accessibility

Shan Wu

Shan Wu


Condensed matter experimentalist, Quantum materials, strongly correlated electrons, magnetism and superconductivity, spintronics, neutron, and X-ray scattering

New Lecturers

Will Dana

Will Dana

Mathematics and Computer Science

Representation theory of algebras and combinatorics of Coxeter groups

George Shaeffer

George Schaeffer

Mathematics and Computer Science

Computational and algebraic number theory, graph theory, and undergraduate research programs in mathematics

Shruthi Sridhar

Shruthi Sridhar

Mathematics and Computer Science

Topology and knot theory, embeddings of smooth manifolds, and "knotted" objects in 4 dimensional space

Nathan Williams

Nathan Williams


Applications of quantum weak measurements

faculty story, cashome