Medical and Health Humanities
Students in the Medical and Health Humanities minor apply the breadth of the Humanities to key questions and problems that define medicine and health. By exploring the history of medicine, narratives about sickness and health, religious and philosophical beliefs about disease and wellness, and the ethics of health care, students develop a deeper understanding of both the practices of medicine and health sciences as well as the experiences of illness and disability across cultures. Courses emphasize humanistic skills that graduate health and medical programs prize. This minor is open to students majoring in any discipline.
Requirements for the Minor
Seven courses from among the list of approved courses (see below). Courses not included in the list below may count towards the minor with approval of the program directors.
No more than three courses can be taken in the same department.
No more than three courses can be lower-division.
Anthropology Courses
ANTH 134. Human, Health, and Culture - Medical Anthropology (STS)
ANTH 135 / PHSC 135. Human Development and Sexuality (STS)
Classics Courses
CLAS 41. Â Word Workshop - Biomedical Terminology
CLAS 173. Bath and Body Works in Ancient Rome (STS)
Communication Courses
COMM 114 / WGST 105A. Body Politics (STS; Prerequisites: COMM 1, COMM 10 for COMM majors, or Junior standing for non-majors)
COMM 115G / WGST 140. Gender, Health, and Sexuality (Prerequisites: COMM 1, COMM 10, PSYC 1, PSYC 2, or SOCI 1)
History Courses
HIST 11H. Medicine, Health, and the Body (C&I 1; Prerequisites: Honors Program)
HIST 12H. Medicine, Health, and the Body (C&I 2; Prerequisites: Honors Program)
HIST 24 / HIST 124 / WGST 140A. Â History of STDs (STS)
HIST 123. History of Plagues, Epidemics, and Infections (STS)
HIST 129. Reproductive Justice in Global Perspective (C&I 3)
HIST 133 / WGST 137. History of Sexuality
Modern Languages and Literatures Courses
SPAN 21S. Â Intermediate Spanish for Health Professions
SPAN 101S. Medical Narratives
Philosophy Courses
PHIL 27A. Ethics in Health Care (Ethics)
PHIL 32. Neuroethics (Ethics)
PHIL 113. Bioethics
PHIL 117. Bioethics and the Law (Ethics)
Public Health Courses
PHSC 135 / ANTH 135. Human Development and Sexuality (STS)
Religious Studies Courses
RSOC 114. Religion and Medicine in Health Care (RTC 3)
TESP 141. Bioethics - Dignity and Justice (RTC 3)
Gender and Sexuality Studies Courses
WGST 105A / COMM 114. Body Politics (STS; Prerequisites: COMM 1, COMM 10 for COMM majors, or Junior standing for non-majors)
WGST 137 / HIST 133. History of Sexuality
WGST 140 / COMM 115G. Gender, Health, and Sexuality (Prerequisites: COMM 1, COMM 10, PSYC 1, PSYC 2, or SOCI 1)
WGST 140A / HIST 24 / HIST 124. History of STDs (STS)