

Director: Andy El-Zayaty

The entrepreneurship minor provides students who may be interested in either developing a business or working in a startup company the chance to explore that career option and acquire the skills that can help them to be successful. Students completing the minor should develop an understanding of the venture creation process including how to generate and develop a new business concept, apply analytical tools to identify and evaluate entrepreneurial opportunities, create and evaluate a business plan, and analyze different funding sources for a new venture. A critical element of the program is an internship working with an emerging for-profit or social benefit organization.

The entrepreneurship minor is open to all students via an application process through the Management and Entrepreneurship Department. F-1 international students are advised to consult with International Students and Scholars in the Global Engagement Office prior to applyingÌý³Ù´Ç ensure they are able to meet the government immigration requirements for academic internships due to the internship requirement. Accepted business school students can begin the minor after they have earned 60 units. For students outside the business school, prerequisites for the core courses should ideally be completed in the sophomore year.

Requirements for the Minor

MGMT 164. Introduction to Entrepreneurship (prerequisites: MKTG 181 and ACTG 11)

MGMT 165. Building a New Business (prerequisite: MGMT 164)

MGMT 198E. Internship in Entrepreneurship* (pre- or corequisite: MGMT 165)

And two courses from the following list:

BUSN 197. Business/Engineering Project Collaboration

ECON 129. Economic Development

ECON 185. Economics of Innovation and Intellectual Property

ENVS 145. Environmental Technology

ENVS 148. Solar Revolution

FNCE 141. New Venture Finance

FNCE 143. Entrepreneurial Finance

FNCE 170. Business Valuation

MECH 144. Smart Product Design (co-requisite: MECH 144L lab)

MGMT 172. Social Entrepreneurship or HRNS 120A. Entrepreneurship for Social Justice

MGMT 175. Managing Family Businesses

MGMT 177/ENGR 161 Cultures of Innovation

MKTG 175. Internet Marketing

MKTG 177. Social Media Marketing

MKTG 182. Marketing Analysis

MKTG 187. Innovation and New Product Marketing

PHSC 157: Social Innovation in Public Health

SOCI 150. Immigrant Businesses in the United States

SOCI 172. Management of Health Care Organizations

*The internship must run concurrent with the course, and students cannot use past experiences toward credit in this course.