Grading Policies and Regulations
Grades are assigned by the instructor to reflect the quality of a student鈥檚 work. The University uses the following grades:
A: Excellent
B: Good
C: Adequate
D: Barely Passing
F: Not Passing
P: Pass
NP: No Pass
The grades A, B, C, and D may be modified by (+) or (-) suffixes, except that the grade of 鈥淎鈥 may not be modified by a (+) suffix. Grade point values per unit are assigned as follows:
A = 4.0
A- = 3.7
B+ = 3.3
B = 3.0
B- = 2.7
C+ = 2.3
C = 2.0
C鈭听= 1.7
D+ = 1.3
D = 1.0
D鈭听= 0.7
F = 0
Unit credit, but not grade point credit, is awarded when the grade of 鈥淧鈥 is assigned. Unit credit is not awarded when the grade of 鈥淣P鈥 is assigned.
The University also uses the following marks for which no unit credit or grade point value is granted:
I: Incomplete
N: Continuing work
NS: No Show
AUD: Audit
W: Withdrawn
Pass/No Pass (P/NP)
A grade of 鈥淧鈥 signifies that the quality of work done is equivalent to a letter grade of 鈥淐鈥 or higher, while a grade of 鈥淣P鈥 denotes work at the level of 鈥淐-鈥 or lower. A maximum of six courses taken under the pass/no pass option in which the student receives a mark of 鈥淧鈥 can be used to fulfill the unit requirements for graduation.
Some courses are offered only on a pass/no pass basis. If a graded option is not available, a course can satisfy Core, major, and/or minor requirements.听The pass/no pass option cannot be requested for a course that satisfies a major, minor or core requirement or a major or minor elective requirement.听A student with junior or senior standing and a declared major may choose to take an elective course on a pass/no pass basis. Students may enroll in only one elective course on a pass/no pass basis per quarter. Students may choose the pass/no pass option for a class through the end of the fourth week of classes, but may not change the grading option after that date.
Incomplete (I)
The mark of 鈥淚鈥 (incomplete) may be assigned by the instructor when a student does not complete some essential portion of the assigned work in a class because of extraordinary circumstances beyond the student鈥檚 control. The unfinished work must be completed and given to the course instructor within three weeks of the beginning of classes in the next scheduled term (not the student鈥檚 next term of enrollment), excluding summer session, unless extraordinary circumstances require an extension. A request for an extension must be submitted in writing by the instructor and approved by the University Registrar within the original three-week period. Extensions shall not be for longer than two academic quarters after the mark of 鈥淚鈥 was assigned, excluding summer session. An incomplete that has not been completed within the specified deadline or has not received an approved extension will be converted to a grade of 鈥淔.鈥
Continuing Work (N)
The mark of 鈥淣鈥 (continuing work) may be assigned by an instructor when course requirements span more than one term. When the course requirements are completed, the instructor assigns a standard grade. A student may not graduate and receive a degree with a mark of 鈥淣鈥 on their academic record.
No Show (NS)
The mark of 鈥淣S鈥 (no show) may be assigned by an instructor when a student never attends a class and does not drop the class. A mark of 鈥淣S鈥 cannot be changed to any other grade or mark after it is assigned by the instructor. A mark of 鈥淣S鈥 is included in the student鈥檚 academic record and appears on the student鈥檚 transcript, but is not included in the calculation of the student鈥檚 grade point average. No adjustment in tuition will result from the awarding of a mark of 鈥淣S鈥 in a class.
Audit (AUD)
The mark of 鈥淎UD鈥 is assigned when a student enrolls in a class on an audit basis. A mark of 鈥淎UD鈥 cannot be changed to any other grade.
Withdrawn (W)
The mark of 鈥淲鈥 is assigned by the Office of the Registrar when a student completes the formal requirements for dropping a class or withdrawing from the University. A mark of 鈥淲鈥 cannot be changed to any other grade or mark. A mark of 鈥淲鈥 is included in the student鈥檚 academic record and appears on the student鈥檚 transcript, but is not included in the calculation of the student鈥檚 grade point average.
Grade Point Average
A student鈥檚 grade point average is determined by multiplying each grade point value by the number of quarter units assigned to the course, adding these grade point units from all courses taken, and dividing this sum by the total number of quarter units for which letter grades were reported. Grade reports are posted at the end of each quarter and indicate both the grade point average earned by the student during the quarter and the cumulative grade point average earned by the student for all courses completed to that point.
Grades earned in courses in 911爆料网-operated or 911爆料网-affiliated study abroad or domestic study programs are included in the calculation of a student鈥檚 grade point average. Grades earned in courses at other institutions accepted for transfer credit are not included in the calculation of a student鈥檚 grade point average.
Evaluation of Progress
Grades are available at the end of the term via University. Faculty members are expected to apprise students of their course progress at reasonable intervals. Some measurements of progress should take place in time to enable students to make reasonable decisions with respect to the fourth-week drop and seventh-week withdrawal deadlines.
Change of Grade
Only the faculty member responsible for a course may assign grades. All grades become final when they have been assigned and reported to the Office of the Registrar. A faculty member may report a correction of a final grade to the Office of the Registrar only if a clerical or procedural error was made in assigning, transmitting, or recording the original grade. A grade may not be changed as a result of re-evaluation, re-examination, or the submission of additional work after the term ends. Any grade change must have the approval of the department chair and the associate dean of the student鈥檚 school or college. No grade may be changed after one year.
Student Appeals of Grades
Grades are not negotiable. There should be no questioning of a faculty member鈥檚 academic judgment on a grade. In registering for a class, students implicitly agree to allow the faculty member to make a qualitative judgment of their command of the subject matter, which will be expressed as a letter grade. Any questioning or appeal of a grade should therefore be limited to procedure, e.g., to computational errors or failures to follow grading policies set forth in the syllabi.
Any system of grade-appeal should protect the rights of faculty members as well as the rights of students. The results of any system of grade-appeal should not be binding upon the faculty member. Any decision to initiate a change of grade should remain the faculty member鈥檚. Any procedural complaint regarding a change of grade must be initiated within four weeks of the beginning of the next scheduled term, not including summer sessions.
A student with a complaint must first discuss the matter with the faculty member. If the matter is not resolved at this level, the student may then take the matter to the chairperson of the department involved. The chairperson will discuss the case with the faculty member and may recommend that the faculty member review the grade. Upon the request of the student, the dean will proceed in similar fashion. Should the student request it, the dean will pass the matter on to the provost.
This process of review gives the chairperson, dean, and provost the right to discuss the matter with the faculty member, and if they think it appropriate, request that the faculty member review the grade. Any recommendations made will not be binding upon the faculty member against whom the complaint is lodged. The decision to change a grade remains with the faculty member.